Monday, January 12, 2015

Adding CSS reference to a SharePoint master page in 2013

There are a couple of techniques for adding a reference to a css file to a master page, but ​in 2013 there is a new element to use.


An example in a standard .master file looks like this:

<SharePoint:CssRegistration Name="<%$SPUrl:~Site/SiteAssets/MetroJs/MetroJs.css% >" runat="server">

If you are using the Design Manager feature and creating a master page in HTML, then you need to encode the < and >

<SharePoint:CssRegistration Name="&lt;%$SPUrl:~Site/SiteAssets/MetroJs/MetroJs.css%&gt;" runat="server">

Enabling PDF preview in search

SharePoint 2013 now crawls and indexes PDF files by default, what it doesn't do is provide the preview (when you hover over the search results and the callout displays the pdf).

It's simple to get going, follow this article.